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Plumbing Updates That Are Investments for Future Savings

Daniel Groover • December 1, 2017

Your old plumbing components may be costing you money in the form of wasted water and energy while delivering less than peak performance. If you're planning on replacing existing components anyway, or simply want to invest in future savings both for your pocketbook and the planet, here are a few plumbing updates that can do both while proving better service.

Upgrade to a Tankless Water Heater

Your old hot water tank is costing you money while providing only a limited amount of hot water at any given time. This is because you are paying to heat the water that is stored in the tank until it is ready for use.

When prime time for hot water use arrives, typically in the morning or evening, the last one to shower may have cold water, as the hot water supply is depleted and the unfortunate last place finisher must settle for a lukewarm shower or wait until the tank heats more water.

Tankless models heat water on demand, as much as you could want or need. Better still, you're only paying to heat the water as you use it, not to keep it hot. You can choose to switch to a whole house unit or have a smaller tankless heater installed just to serve a small area or room such as the bathroom.

Upgrade to a Hot Water Recirculating System

If you decide to keep your old hot water tank, you can still save money while having faster access to hot water by having a hot water circulating system installed. This consists of an added loop and pump that pushes sitting water from your hot water supply lines back to the water heater for reheating while pumping fresh hot water into the lines.

This allows access to hot water at your faucet or shower without first running gallons of cold water down the drains while waiting for the water to get hot, saving money while providing added convenience with every use.

Upgrade to a High-Efficiency Toilet

Your old toilet may be using up to 6 gallons of water each time you flush, but an EPA rated Water Sense high efficiency toilet will only use 1.28 gallons per flush, saving up to $2000 for a family of four during the lifetime of the toilet. This is not to be confused with a low flush toilet, which uses less water but may require multiple flushes after some use.

Upgrade to Low-Flow Faucets and Shower heads

Unlike possible performance issues associated with some low-flow toilets, low-flow faucets and showerheads deliver comparable flow to conventional components while reducing water use. According to the EPA, you can use up to 30 percent less water with low-flow faucets and showerheads.

Upgrade to New Piping

While this is a more significant upgrade than those previously mentioned, it may produce greater long-term benefits, both financial and health related. This is because older supply pipes made of galvanized steel or copper may have deleterious effects on your water pressure, various components in your plumbing system, and your family's health.

Galvanized pipe corrodes over time, contaminating drinking water, clogging toilet and sink components with rust, and eventually bursting, possibly causing massive damage from flooding.

While copper piping may be susceptible to corrosion, the primary issue with older copper supply lines lies in the solder used to install it. Before the passage of the Safe Water Drinking Act of 1986, lead was used in pipe solder, leading to possible lead contamination of drinking water. If your home or copper plumbing is pre-1986, you should have the piping replaced.

Every financial argument for re-piping pales in comparison to threats to your family's health. There's no price tag on that.

If you're in the Henry County, Georgia area, you can always rely on D&S Plumbing for all of your upgrades or any other plumbing needs. Day or night, our family is here for your family.

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