Cold Weather is Coming - What can I do to prevent my pipes from freezing?
Dannielle Hixson • February 5, 2019
Tips and tricks to help prevent pipes from freezing and bursting... and what to do if it already has.
Ok, so cold weather is already here. So far we've dodged a bullet in the South Atlanta Metro area. That doesn't mean we don't have another freeze warning coming up between now and April. (Remember 1993, 2000, 2010, or 2014? OR 2022 a month before the tornados?!)
How do you prevent burst frozen pipes? The easy answer is to move to a warmer climate.
All jokes aside, there are some things you can do to prevent them, as well as things to do once they have frozen and burst.
- Insulating or covering your pipes can help prevent freezing, and can be done well in advance of freezing temps. A DIY project can include purchasing and installing exterior faucet covers that protect your outside water faucets. Your local hardware store will have them. Unfortunately, installing pipe insulation is not easy sometimes & might be a job better left for a professional, like D & S Plumbing. Oftentimes, there is piping in basements and attics that are difficult to access, which makes it even harder to install insulation.
- Another thing to do in advance of cold weather is
caulking any cracks in your home's exterior, preventing the cold air from entering the spaces between walls - where your pipes are located.
- The first step to take when the weather man says temps are dropping, is to
leave your interior and exterior faucets dripping a little. I know it's hard to believe, but that little bit of moving water not only helps the water in the pipes stay warmer, but also provides some where for the water to go to prevent the pipes from bursting - which happens because water expands as it freezes.
- Opening up cabinets under the sinks can help to make it warmer down beneath. If it's warm enough in your home to keep you from freezing, it's warm enough to keep the pipes under the cabinets from freezing, too.
- Insulate your crawl spaces: close off or block vents with wood or cardboard. Here in the South, you don't want to leave this blocked off permanently, as high humidity in the crawl space can damage your flooring.
- Does your
well house have a heat source in it? This could be as simple as a light bulb (incandescent or halogen, which generate heat, not the LED type).
If you're going to be away for an extended period, it's a good idea to call us to winterize your home. This is a process that essentially turns off the water heater, and empties water from your homes pipes, safely protecting your home's plumbing and fixtures. The last thing you need is to come home to ruined pipes, floors, and walls. Or a phone call requiring you to cut your vacation short.
Taking some simple steps can help protect your home and your wallet. If disaster strikes anyway, D&S Plumbing is here to help... without the "emergency" surcharges.